5 Mental Health Tips for Employees on the Road


At Motion Cleaning Machines, we understand the unique challenges faced by our engineers and other staff who travel regularly between client sites. Unlike the typical office environment, life on the road brings its own set of stressors—long hours behind the wheel, irregular schedules, and sometimes time away from family and friends. These factors can make maintaining good mental health more difficult, but it’s also more important than ever.

We believe that taking care of our team’s mental health is key to their well-being and performance. Whether you’re an engineer traveling between sites, a service technician, or a sales representative on the move, these tips are designed to help those on the road stay mentally fit.

1. Take Time to Pause

When your day is packed with travel and appointments, it can be easy to go from one site to the next without stopping. However, taking even short breaks can work wonders for your mental and physical health. Whether it’s a five-minute pause to stretch your legs, a quick walk around a rest area, or simply sitting quietly to breathe, these breaks give your mind the chance to reset.

These small pauses help avoid burnout, reduce stress, and prepare you for the next task with a clearer mind. Remember, just like the machines we service need downtime to function at their best, so do you.

2. Stay Connected

One of the toughest parts of being on the road is feeling disconnected from your team, friends, and family. It’s easy to feel isolated when you’re spending hours in transit or working solo at client sites. To counter this, make staying connected a priority.

Modern technology makes it easier than ever to keep in touch. A quick phone call or text to your loved ones, and even a call to check in with colleagues, can go a long way in reducing feelings of isolation. At Motion Cleaning Machines, we encourage our team to stay in touch with one another to maintain that strong sense of community—no matter where their work takes them.

3. Plan Ahead for Healthy Meals

Let’s face it, life travelling between sites can often mean fast food and fuel station snacks. While it’s convenient, these options can leave you feeling sluggish and can negatively impact both physical and mental well-being.

When you’re on the go, it’s easy to skip meals or make unhealthy food choices, but planning ahead can help. Try packing healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, or granola bars that are easy to carry and provide a boost of energy. Small changes in your diet can make a big difference in how you feel throughout the day.

4. Create a Relaxing Driving Environment

For many non-office based workers, driving is a big part of the job, and it can be both physically and mentally exhausting. One way to make long drives more enjoyable and less stressful is by creating a calming driving environment.

Listening to your favourite music, audiobooks, or podcasts can turn the time spent on the road into an opportunity for relaxation or learning. Whether it’s an inspiring podcast that fuels your motivation or music that helps you unwind, engaging your mind positively during your travels can help make the journey more pleasant and stress-free.

5. Set Clear Boundaries Between Work and Rest

One of the biggest challenges for employees who travel frequently is maintaining a balance between work and personal time. When you’re on the road, it’s easy for work hours to bleed into personal time, leading to exhaustion and burnout.

To combat this, set clear boundaries for when you start and end your workday. Just as you would in an office, try to prioritise rest when the day is done. At Motion Cleaning Machines, we emphasise the importance of work-life balance for all employees, whether they’re in the office or on the road.

At Motion Cleaning Machines, we take pride in supporting our engineers and field staff in every aspect of their jobs. We recognise that mental health is a critical component of workplace well-being, and we are committed to creating an environment where everyone, regardless of where they work, feels valued, supported, and mentally healthy.

We encourage our mobile teams to stay connected with their colleagues, prioritise self-care, and take small steps to maintain their mental health while out on the road. After all, taking care of your mental health not only helps you feel better—it ensures you can perform your best at every site, every day.

Working on the road has its advantages—freedom, variety, and the chance to see new places—but it also comes with its own set of mental health challenges. By integrating these simple but effective strategies into your routine, you can take care of your mental well-being and continue to thrive in your role.

Whether it’s taking a short break, eating healthier on the go, or simply staying connected, these small actions can make a significant difference in your day-to-day mental health. At Motion, we are here to support our entire team—on the road or in the office—every step of the way.

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